Cindy Morris
More photos of the two of us

Cindy and Doug at HUBfest in downtown Hattiesburg, MS (fall of 2002)

Cindy and Doug at the Food, Home and Health Show
south of Hattiesburg (spring of 2003).

Cindy enjoyed cross-stitching and was kind
enough to make this cross-stitch of the
RockTrax logo.

I nicknamed Cindy "Miss Circle".

When we met online, I was in the midst of reading Peter Marshall's
book entitled
Backstage With The Original Hollywood Square.
As the title would imply, the book is Peter's look back at the original
15-year-run of Hollywood Squares --
which aired on NBC from 1966-1981. 

When Cindy and I traded pictures of each other online, here's what she gave me...

...a picture of her "framed" inside of a circle.

Now, if you've watched Hollywood Squares -- either in its original form
or the '80s version with John Davidson or its most recent revival with Tom Bergeron
at the helm -- you know, unless its a tournament or a special week of shows,
every game is played with nine celebrities (at least) and a male and female contestant.

The male would always play the X's and the female would be represented by the
O's or "circles". Thus, the contestants would be nicknamed "Mr. X" and "Miss Circle".

Our marriage came to an end January 10, 2007 when she died after suffering two
seizures in three days.  In Heaven, Cindy is reunited with her father, Marvin Houdeshell,
who died more than a decade ago, as well as Dr. Larry Kennedy, who served as
president of William Carey University (more on her work at WCU can be found here).

Cindy, I love you always and forever. It was a joy, honor and privilege to know you for
four and a half years — whether as a lunch date, a friend, your boyfriend,
your fianc� or ultimately your husband of one and a half years.  

I would not trade those four and a half years for anything.

Page 1: Wedding photos
Page 2: More photos of Cindy & Doug
Page 3: "The Starfish"
Page 4: Cindy Morris Scholarship Fund